
This is just me, my craft ideas, and stories about my weenie dogs!! I hope you enjoy and find some inspiration!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

How to remove and install vinyl tiles with crappy tools

Ok so this is seriously the emphasis of this post. Crappy tools. And cheap vinyl. This whole project all started when I found some cheap tiles at a dollar store. Oh and I bought a new tanning bed and needed somewhere to put it.  (I know tanning beds are bad before you comment). 

Taking carpet out and putting down tiles is easy. Deciding you hate them and want better ones and starting over sucks. After lots of Internet research and Facebook comments from people who actually know what they are doing I found I can pull up vinyl flooring with a putty knife and a hair dryer. They recommend a heat gun but I've already spent too much money. 

Then in the midst of this project I found a new show I'm obsessed with. Homeland.  I cannot stop watching it. Which means I can't get any work done. So I made myself a rule that I have to get 5 tiles placed and then I can watch 20 minutes of Homeland. 

Here are some pics of my project. 

I started by laying tiles at the beginning of the room. You're supposed to start in the center of the room but I didn't. I don't do things by the rules. And instead of taking it all out I took it out as I placed new ones so I didn't have to sit or crawl on a sticky floor. 
A few hours later....this is very tedious work. 
Oh yah. And I had a weenie dog supervising the whole time. Makes it a bit more time consuming when you have to stop and throw his toy every minute. 
And again a few hours later......
A little bit later.....
Still going and going and going.....

To be continued. 

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